Section: Software


The TIFA library (short for Tools for Integer FActorization) was initially developed in 2006 and has been continuously improved during the last few years. TIFA is made up of a base library written in C99 using the GMP library, together with stand-alone factorization programs and a basic benchmarking framework to assess the performance of each algorithm.

As of november 2011, the library includes the following algorithms:

  • CFRAC (Continued FRACtion factorization [64] )

  • ECM (Elliptic Curve Method)

  • Fermat (McKee's “fast” variant of Fermat's algorithm [62] )

  • SIQS (Self-Initializing Quadratic Sieve [35] )

  • SQUFOF (SQUare FOrm Factorization [54] )

The complete TIFA package has been registered at the French Agency for Software Protection (APP – http://app.legalis.net/ ) on June, 1st 2011 with the Inter Deposit Digital Number:


It is now available online at http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/Labo/Jerome.Milan/tifa/tifa.xhtml and distributed under the Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 or later.